We are in the golden era of Digital marketing. Social Media Marketing, SEO, SEM, Affiliate marketing, Email Marketing etc. They are moving at a rapid growth pace and everyone is interested in that. If your company is not yet there then I can’t explain how much you have missed out so far.
Digital marketing has evolved much since the last 8 years. From just email marketing and radio ads, we have moved to user-based customized marketing, experiential marketing & virtual reality tools. Marketing has moved to Omnichannel, gamification and AI & ML-based end-user tracking. Phew!
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Now, your shopping intent and interests will follow you like a ghost. No matter what platform or medium you are in, it will follow you. It reminds me of the salesman in a store who is indirectly pushes you to make a choice and to buy something from their store.
Yes, these are all giving us results. But where are we heading to? Are they going to give us the same or better results than what we are getting today?
I used to check the ads that carried my interests while I was scrolling through my social media pages. I used to watch the ads that played before my YouTube video and I used to see the new game ads that used to appear between mobile games. Not anymore!!
Initially I was curious, then I was exploring, I was excited for some time to see the products that I liked, then I was getting annoyed & angry and now I have developed something called ‘Visual Numbness’
The ‘Visual Numbness’ got developed because of various reasons like Ad stalking, marketing overdose, untimely & unwanted notifications and unintelligent algorithms. My mailbox is filled with loads of ad mails. (And so is my SMS inbox.) I understand, that the day it enters into personal chat spaces like WhatsApp, Telegram etc., is also not so far away.
If you don’t act right now a lot of your digital marketing budget will go down the drain. This will eventually increase your ‘cost of acquisition’ and lower profit margins. So how will we bring back digital marketing to reap a better tomorrow? I guess the key lies in pull marketing techniques like experiential marketing and AI & ML-based intent generation. The idea is to know when to withdraw without creating a visual fatigue.
I am eagerly waiting to understand how it can get evolved into a more acceptable manner. It’s a very challenging task but I am sure that the future is bright.